Silversheen is a parasitical plant that prefers the rough bark of oak trees. It is quite rare, yet protected by its anonymity. During the day and most nights, it is barely seen against the bark of the oaks, yet under the direct light of the full moon, a silvery frond blooms to meet the moonlight. It is said that the power of the silversheen comes from the moon itself.
Silversheen blooms may be harvested under the light of a full moon and then preserved in spirits of grain for up to a full year. After that year, the blooms will dissolve, and the remaining spirits may used as a sovereign antiseptic.
When placed on a healing wound of no more than 2–3″ in length immediately after suturing or other treatment, silversheen blossoms will entirely eliminate potentially disfiguring scars. For longer wounds, more silversheen blossoms may be used. This is important in areas where scar tissue would interfere with the proper development of callouses, such as on the hands or feet. It is not widely known that callouses will not grow over scar tissue, so silversheen is especially prized by warriors or archers who have suffered scarring injuries to their hands. It is also sought by bards and others who ply their trade using their personal looks and charms, and by those who would not wish to be identified by an otherwise identifying potential scar.
However, despite rumors and the claims of charlatans and alchemists of dubious repute, silversheen blossoms do not have the power to enhance beauty. That false legend has been the bane of groves throughout the land, not to mention the downfall of any number of would-be thieves, and not a few silversheen plants.
[When properly applied, silversheen eliminates any chance of Charisma loss due to scarring.
Silversheen requires a Wilderness Lore check at DC 30 to locate and harvest 1d3 blossoms.
Silversheen requires a Healing check at DC 15 to apply properly. Since silversheen blossoms are also very fragile, a failure destroys the blossom. Failures may be retried with a new blossom.
Price: 1000 gp per blossom. Availability: rare.]
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