Bitterroot is a thick, syrupy decoction, brewed from the roots of several common and uncommon medicinal plants. It is a common enough formulation that most alchemists and hedge witches are familiar with its creation. However, I have found that the following formulation is the most efficacious. Bitterroot can last indefinitely in sealed containers, but if exposed to air, it will quickly dry out and turn into a hard, brown, tarry substance.
Having sampled a tiny portion, I can say without doubt that the name is quite appropriate: it possesses a very bitter, cloying taste that overpowers any other taste for several minutes afterward. The bitter taste has proven difficult to remove; it is quite impossible to remove it without diluting the curative properties or removing them all together. It is highly recommended that brewing be done in a remote and isolated area, as the smell quickly assumes a bitter aroma, reminiscent of the taste.
Bitterroot has three effects: first, it will neutralize any ingested natural (organic, but not inorganic or magical) poisons if taken within five minutes of ingesting the poison. Secondly, it has the beneficial side effect of killing any and all internal parasites in the digestive system. Thirdly, it is a potent emetic.
I have also found that bitterroot is a sovereign hangover cure, although the taste may be considered so vile that most afflicted with a hangover would prefer the hangover to the cure.
[The first effect of bitterroot takes place immediately, the second within 2d4 rounds, and the third within 1d4 minutes of ingestion. The hangover cure also takes 2d4 rounds to effect.
It takes two weeks and a single Wilderness Lore check at DC 25 to find all of the ingredients, and a day’s brewing to create 1d4 doses.
The intense bitterness means that it is a difficult challenge to drink. Anyone drinking it for the first time must make a Willpower check at DC 15 in order to drink it. Any subsequent attempts are made at DC 20. Of course, one’s friends can always assist, usually forcibly.
Price: 250 gp per dose. Availability: uncommon.]
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