Nicholas Knight
Name: Nicholas Knight
Type: Vampire
Generation: 8th
Clan: Ventrue ( can only feed if there is no guilt or force involved )
Series: Forever Knight
Actor: Geraint Wyn Davies
Nature: Penitent
Demeanor: Care-Giver
Strength 3 Manipulation 3 Wits 3
Dexterity 4 Charisma 4 Intelligence 3
Stamina 4 Apperance 4 Perception 4
Alertness 3 Drive 2 Bureaucracy 2
Brawl 3 Firearms 3 Investigation 3
Dodge 3 Mêlée 2 Law 2
Intimidation 3 Security 2 Linguistics 2
Leadership 1 Stealth 2 Occult 3
Streetwise 3 Science 1
Subterfuge 2
Celerity 4 Allies 2 Willpower 7 Blood Pool 15⁄3
Domination 3 Contacts 1 Starting Total: 12
Fortitude 3 Generation 5 Conscience 4
Presence 1 Influence 1 Courage 5
Mentor 4 Self-Control 4
Code of Honor
Prestigious Sire
Judicial Ties
Police Ties
Repelled by Holy Symbols
As a homicide detective, you are expected to keep current with changes and advances in forensic sciences and legal matters. Thus you have been sent from Toronto to a series of seminars in Orange County, California, at the Orange County Hilton. You protested, but, since your late partner Schanke was supposed to go, you were given the assignment instead. You have been very careful to avoid the sun in Sunny California in the middle of summer, but the seminars are all inside the hotel itself, so you have only to avoid windows.
You were also given some advice from your Sire, LaCroix. He warned you that the Kindred of this region were demented and degraded, given to worshiping demons and taking on demonic aspects themselves. It is only fitting, he said, that the Slayer was in that area, but don’t let her confuse you with these lesser Kindred or let yourself get caught by her, either. He would be most wrought and embarrassed if his favorite “son” were to be destroyed by her.
Celerity only adds to Dexterity and increases movement; it does not allow for splitting attacks without splitting the dice pool. At this level, it also allows you to fly at 4x normal walking speed.
You are not only repelled by holy symbols, you also take aggravated fire damage from physical contact with them.
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