Quote: “Curiosity killed the cat: been there, done that!”
Concept:“Who, me, a vampire? No, I’m only play-acting as one.”
Description: Jynx is a typical Goth girl in her late-teens to early twenties. She’s 5′ 5″ tall and weighs about 110 lbs. She has short, spiky black hair over a thin, sharply-defined face, dominated by large, waif-like blue eyes of an unsettling and compelling nature. Her eyes have a dark blue outer ring, and the color fades dramatically towards the pupil: the effect is one of looking into a whirlpool. She has high cheekbones, a wide and constantly-moving mouth, and a narrow, dimpled chin.
Jynx wears Gothic black (naturally): a black, studded leather jacket, with a pair of mirrored sunglasses dangling from a breast pocket, over a black T‑shirt; the T‑shirt usually has a Gothic or punk band name on it, right now it reads “Skeletal Boogie”. She also has black jeans and black tennis shoes. The jeans are fastened around her waist with a blackened metal chain. She also wears black, fingerless gloves on both hands and black leather wristbands on both wrists: the band around her left wrist hides a cheap watch. She sports three gold and silver earrings in her left ear and a dangling clear crystal pendant from her right. She wears a cheap silver, brass or gold ring on each finger, including the thumbs.
Personality: Jynx is intensely curious about everything, a storehouse of odd information, some of which is actually true. She is also somewhat scatterbrained and has a short attention span. For fun she dances to loud music and blows bubbles.
Prelude: Once, Jynx was exactly what she claims to be, just “acting” like a vampire. Except that was in London, during the time when Dracula was appearing in theaters. She imagined herself one of Dracula’s handmaidens, swooning over fantasies of being seduced by a vampire. And so a vampire did exactly that.
For reasons of his or her own, a mysterious Malkavian Sired her and then abandoned her, leaving her without ever even telling her that she was Sired. Everything she knows now she learned herself, and much of it is terribly wrong, but she has managed to survive for this long, which is a miracle. The happenstances have quite disarranged her already shaky psyche, or have they?
Disciplines: Jynx’ primary Discipline is Dominate: she is advanced enough to induce compliant trances and periods of amnesia in her victims. Unfortunately she has read too many bad novels and has seen far too many bad movies concerning hypnosis: she treats her Dominate Discipline as if she actually hypnotizing her victims, even going to far as to use a variety of very over-stereotypical gestures, devices and phrases, not apparently realizing that is purely eye contact that mesmerizes her victims.
Jynx’ secondary Discipline is Obsfucate: she is capable of hiding her presence against most viewers. She loves to eavesdrop on conversations, especially ones between supernatural creatures.
Jynx is the least familiar with the Auspex Discipline, using it solely to enhance her senses. It is probably this Discipline that she would want to develop in the future.
Backgrounds: Jynx has a lot of contacts among the Goth community, especially the bands and the places they perform at. In an emergency, she has a fair amount of cash and other items available to her.
Merits: Most of Jynx’ merits revolve around her being able to pass as a mortal girl: she has not gained the vampiric pallor that most vampires assume, and she continues to breathe normally and even has a heartbeat (Baby Face). She can also eat and drink normally: her favorite food is ice cream (Eat Food). Her presence also does not frighten animals (Inoffensive to Animals). Another merit is Danger Sense: a century of observation has sharpened her eyes and ears immeasurably. And like most Malkavians, she is tied into the world-wide Malkavian rumor network (Malkavian Time).
Flaws: Jynx’ primary weakness is her intense, all-consuming curiosity.
Clan Weakness: Jynx believes that she is a mortal Goth girl who is simply “playing” at being a vampire. Or maybe she’s playing at playing a vampire and knows that she is really one, only using this to hide and confuse people. She treats anyone who is a vampire as though they were playing one, themselves.
Haven: A packing crate in the basement of an abandoned high school.
Possessions: Switchblade; old motorcycle; iron crowbar, large pack of bubble gum.
Roleplaying Tips: This is all just an act, right? Keep the other characters off-balance by giving them reasons to suspect you are just faking things. Act vampire-ish, even mesmerizing someone, then throw everyone off by eating a hot dog. Interject into conversations with extraneous information that actually means something if people would only take the time to listen to you, then blow big bubbles and pop them. Disappear on the first sign of trouble and reappear later to save the day.
Notes: I never created a character sheet for Jynx, just roughed out her backgrounds and things. Maybe one day I will go back and finish her.
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