Darryl Bannister
“Whose house is this? THIS IS RUN’S HOUSE!”
— Run*DMC Run’s House
- Name: Darryl Bannister
- Clan: Brujah
- Nature: Rebel
- Demeanor: Curmudgeon
- Generation: 13
- Concept: Crime lord
Attributes | |||||
Physical | Social | Mental | |||
Strength (Rugged) | 4 | Charisma | 3 | Perception | 3 |
Dexterity (Catlike) | 4 | Manipulation | 2 | Intelligence | 2 |
Stamina | 3 | Appearance | 1 | Wits | 3 |
Abilities | |||||
Talents | Skills | Knowledges | |||
Alertness | 2 | Bribery | 2 | Area Knowledge | 2 |
Brawl | 2 | Demolitions | 2 | City Secrets | 2 |
Dodge | 2 | Drive | 3 | Law | 1 |
Intimidation | 1 | Firearms | 3 | Linguistics (Spanish) | 1 |
Streetwise | 2 | Mêlée | 3 | Politics | 1 |
Security | 1 | ||||
Stealth | 1 | ||||
Advantages | |||||
Disciplines | Backgrounds | Virtues | |||
Celerity | 1 | Allies | 1 | Conscience | 2 |
Potence | 3 | Contacts | 2 | Self-Control | 4 |
Herd | 1 | Courage | 4 | ||
Resources | 2 | ||||
Other | |||||
Merits | Flaws | Characteristics | |||
Humanity | 6 | ||||
Willpower | 5 | ||||
Blood Pool (total/per turn) | 10⁄1 |
Quote:“Power is for those who can take it and hold it.”
Concept: A rebel among Brujah rebels with a powerful hatred for the powerful.
Description: Darryl is black, standing 5′ 9″ tall and weighing 220 lbs. He has a husky, muscular build, with powerful shoulders and thickly muscled arms and wrists. His eyes are dark brown, hidden under heavy brows yet visible and dominating. His nose and jaw are slightly crooked, the result of a fight in his youth. He has curly dark-brown hair, cut short in a military cut, and is clean-shaven.
He commonly wears an Army jacket and fatigues and several gold chains. The Colt Python is usually holstered under his left arm, under the jacket yet within fast and easy reach.
Prelude: Darryl Bannister lived through the early years of ‘Nam, but barely. Most of the men in his unit didn’t, largely due to the incompetence of their commanding officers. The fact that most of the men who died were black while their incompetent officers were always white only added to his rage and anger against the white establishment.
When Darryl returned home from the war, he put that anger and his training to work. He performed a number of “wet” operations for local criminal organizations, but they, too, he felt, were only using him for their own purposes. When he tried to work on his own, he was slapped down, hard; the only reason he survived is because he was Embraced by a Brujah who had noticed his rebellious nature and sought to save it for his own clan. Darryl acknowledged a debt to the clan and has worked for them ever since, but, true to his nature, he rebels against even the Brujah. Now, as Kin, Darryl still rebels against authority, but now with the intent of putting himself in its place.
Backgrounds: Currently he is the silent partner in several cheap bars that act as drop points and meeting places for the city. A lot of information about the city flows through these places, all of which Darryl eventually hears. These bars are his Resources: just about anything could be found there that someone with decidedly less than legal leanings could ever want. His Herd is the few close associates from his criminal days who have accepted his new status. His Contacts are invariably Anarchs, whose philosophy he is more closely aligned with than his own clan; they supply him with information that is very hard to come by otherwise. His only Ally is the leader of a Hispanic drug ring, Julio Hernandez: the two share a hatred of the white criminal gangs that bind them together more than their many differences drive them apart.
Possessions: Army fatigue jacket (with insignia and sleeves torn off), plain black T‑shirt, cammo pants, combat boots; wallet on a metal chain attached to the belt; gold earring and chains; Colt Python in shoulder holster; butterfly knife; Harley-Davison motorcycle.
Roleplaying Tips: Darryl has a massive chip on his shoulder and the ability to maintain it under almost any circumstance. He constantly projects a tough image and never lets anything get in his way, although he will take paths of lesser resistance if the possible goal is still the same.
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