Her last big illusion is the combined levitation / flaming disappearance illusion. All but three volunteers are returned to their seats. The most suggestible is used for the illusion, while the other two assist Felicia. The one volunteer is entranced dramatically, turned rigid by suggestion, then lifted onto the supports above a cabinet by the other two volunteers. They are then also returned to their seats. Felicia will then step upon the volunteer’s stomach, demonstrating their total rigididy. Standing behind the entranced volunteer, Felicia will then levitate them with several mystic passes above them, lifting them off the supports. Felicia will move the supports away, and allow the volunteer to descend into the cabinet. She will then close the cabinet, stand off to the side, and command it to burst into flame. After several seconds, the cabinet will burst open, revealing it to be empty. After the applause has died down, Felicia will produce a large cloth, drape it over the empty cabinet, and withdraw it, revealing her volunteer. She will then command them to sit up, and awaken them with a loud snap of her fingers.
The finalé is when she has returned her entranced subjects to their seats in the audience, having been instructed to forget their part of the show (until after it was over). One in particular would be very vocal about her being a fake, until they become so vociferous that Felicia will call for a spotlight to outline the subject. With a sly grin, Felicia will stare at the vociferous subject, commandingly extend her arm towards them, and say “Come here.” They will then be compelled by a post-hypnotic suggestion to fall into a trance and slowly, almost-zombie-like, to return to the stage as all the while Felicia continues to make a series of enticing and compelling gestures, coaxing them up to the stage.
When the subject has stepped on the stage and before Felicia, she will gaze into their eyes, pass her hand before them, and command “Sleep”. She will then take the subject into her embrace, smiling at the audience to fully reveal her vampiric fangs. (She only selects men whom she can effectively do this to: men only as tall as herself. She rarely does women.) She will act as though she bites the subject on the neck, using a blood capsule hidden in her mouth to make it seem all the more realistic. With a low chuckle and a snap of her fingers she will awaken her subject and send them back to their seat.
Having “fed”, the Countess d’Sangre is then ready to retire for the night. But, as she reminds her audience as she steps into her coffin, the darkness of the night will always be around them, and in that darkness, their worst fears. Now that they have seen her, they have a face to their fears.
The coffin lid slams shut, untouched. The locks snap into place. As the house lights rise, low, mocking laughter rises from the speakers, her laughter.
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