Chime’s Native Language
- Galactic 0 (Galactic Common) The common tongue among all member races of the Galactic Commonwealth. It also contains the basic terms of all of the rest of the galactic languages.
- Galactic 1: Diplomatic language
- Galactic 2: Trade language
- Galactic 3: Scientific language (the largest galactic language, with several sub-languages)
- Galactic 4: Medical language
- Galactic 5: Psionics language
- Galactic 6: Military / police language
Language Definitions (Galactic Common)
“ki” (KEY)
- (noun) telekinesis: the ability to move objects through the force of will. This includes the power of teleporation.
- (noun) telekinetic: a psychic who has the power of telekinesis
- (pre-modifier) having or using the power of telekinesis
“mi” (MEE)
- (noun) psycho-metabolism: the power to direct the powers of the body through the force of will
- (noun) psycho-metabolist: a psychic with the power of psycho-metabolism
- (pre-modifier) having or using the power of psycho-metabolism
“si” (SEE)
- (noun) clairsentience: the power to use any of the senses at a distance in any of four dimensions through the force of will
- (noun) clairsentient: a psychic who has the power of clairsentience
- (pre-modifier) having or using the power of clairsentience
“ti” (TEE)
- (noun) telepathy: the ability to contact and influence the mind through force of will
- (noun) telepath: a psychic who has the power of telepathy
- (pre-modifier) having or using the power of telepathy
“ta” (TAH)
- (noun) an instrument or device
- (post-modifier) using an instrument or device
“kela” (KEH la)
- (noun) to heal
- (verb) the act of healing a body or person
“kela-ta” (KEH la TAH)
- (noun) an instrument used for healing
- (verb) to use an instrument to heal
“shaara” (sha AH ra)
- (noun) a performance
- (verb) to perform
“shaara-ta” (sha AH ra TAH)
- (noun) a performance using an instrument
- (verb) to perform with an instrument
“thrin” (THRIN)
- (noun) a game
- (verb) to play (a game)
“ki-shaara-ta” (KEE sha AH ra TA)
- (noun) a performing skill that involves manipulating musical instruments through telekinesis
- (noun) a performer who specializes in manipulating musical instruments through telekinesis
“ki-thrin” (KEE THRIN)
- (noun) a game played among telekinetics. The goal is to move an object to a goal while resisting opponents’s efforts to move it themselves; sometimes, the object is a participant in the game.
- (verb) to play the game
“mi-kela” (ME KE la)
- (noun) psychic physical healing
- (noun) a psychic who performs physical healing
- (verb) the act of physical healing through psycho-metabolism
“si-thrin” (SEE THRIN)
- 1) (noun) a game played among clairsentients. The goal is to spy on your opponents without being detected or spied on yourself.
- (verb) to play the game
“ti-kela” (TEE KE la)
- (noun) psychic mind healing; psychology
- (noun) a psychic who performs mind healing, psychologists
- (verb) the act of psychic mind healing
“ti-shaara” (TEE sha AH ra)
- (noun) a performing skill that involves the projection of telepathic images to the audience
- (verb) to give a “ti-shaara” performance
“ti-thrin” (TEE THRIN)
- (noun) a game played among telepaths. The goal is to affect the opponent telepathically while shielding yourself; usually the goal is read a shielded thought, but games where the goal is to plant a suggestion or put the opponent to sleep are also known.
- (verb) to play the game
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