Scar’s Story
Scar is a human werewolf scout and tracker, a scrapper and a warrior, and a self-confident lady’s man. (Just ask him.) He is a tall, rangy human male, fashionably scruffy and rustic, wearing clothing sewn (by his mother) from the animals he hunted. His most distinctive features are the three scars across his face. If asked about them, Scar will relate a wild tale about how he got them, which always changes every time he tells it, and no two tales were ever alike. Scar is from the Firewall clan, the toughest fighting draconic blood clan, as he likes to say. Certainly his clan abilities give him a significant edge when fighting.
Scar is at his best when in the woods or plains, scouting new paths, hunting animals and just being in the wild. Note that “the wild” can also be in the middle of the biggest city around as long as wherever that is has plenty of food and ale and pretty ladies to serve it.
Scar originally had the Flaw: Ugly, which was defined as the three ugly, purplishly-livid scars across his face. Now while there are ways of buying off flaws in the game system, it has to be done through roleplaying and there didn’t seem to be any way to accomplish such an act against a physical flaw like this. Then, Scar received a warp feature in one adventure. When the gamemaster reached into the store of feature cards, the first one he pulled out was one that only a necromancer could use (Risen Necromancer). So he turned and picked out the next one up. The next one up? Regeneration. Scar’s scars healed overnight, but he had the feature removed before they disappeared completely, saying that he looks handsomely rugged (and ruggedly handsome) with them. Besides, it gives him something else to talk about, about himself.
“Scar” is not his real name: he took that name from the scars he suffered. He is actually embarrassed by his real name, which is Tamlin Torvaarsson. Only his mother Lily ever calls him by that name; not even his little sister Tanithia does, although he suspects her familiar does but only to her.
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