Kaze is a slight, spare Ebony Elf dragon with dull black skin and hair, and silver eyes.
Kaze’s Background is Nightfighter, a select profession with stealth and combat advantages (sounds like a ninja to me.) Kaze has two Traits that assist in this: Shadowborn, which gives a bonus to Stealth and decreased cost for the Nightvision anchor, but since the Nightfighter background already grants that for free, the latter is of little help, and Night Walker, which gives advantages to all non-combat activities (like stealth) at night with a disadvantage for the same activities during the day.
Kaze is of the Blackwind Clan bloodline, which also adds to Stealth contest rolls and quickness. The banished and thought extinct clan is known now for its devotion to secrecy.
Kaze is initiated into the shamanistic rites, all the better for Kaze to honor the ancestral spirits. In addition, it is a very practical choice among the three schools of magic: besides providing healing magic, which all schools do, it provides the Spirit Walk spell which is just so ninja-like and the Spirit Strike spell which allows one attack to ignore all defenses.
Kaze is one of the few characters in the local campaign who actively speaks the language of Penglai, the language of Kaze’s master, who himself refused to learn any other language, as the language of the ancients was more than sufficient for him. That, of course, required Kaze to act as his interpreter on many occasions.
Kaze is trained herbalist, all the better to manufacture poisons and antidotes.
Kaze refuses most every weapon except for those in which Kaze was extensively trained, being weapons unfamiliar to most of Grandilar. Kaze prefers unarmed combat, wearing a pair of clawed gauntlets that also assist in climbing, and carries a pouch of darts strapped to Kaze’s back for long-range killing.
Kaze has two failings. First off, Kaze is terrified of rats (Flaw: Fear of Rats) of any and all sizes: Kaze’s master would torment Kaze with them as punishment. Secondly, Kaze denies (Flaw: Denial) any being kind of shapeshifter, even though it is apparent to anyone who knows how to look: Kaze’s master always belittled Kaze, telling Kaze that Kaze will never be so honored.
Kaze is also highly respectful of dragons of any kind, to the point of almost outright worshiping them. What will happen when Kaze discovers Kaze’s draconic heritage is yet to be determined.
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