Preferred Forms and Abilities
Her preferred draconic form is the Fire Dragonet form, used primarily for stealth and speed, and the Miniature Dragon form, used when travelling when she wants to fly, but she will use the Skyrider Prime Dragon form when warranted. She will apply the Form Enhancement of Speed when using any form. In any form, she has obsidian black scales with silver highlights. As a Skyrider, she is capable of flying for unlimited lengths of time. She is also known to make particular use of the Dragon’s Eye ability.
Ashiya is first and foremost a priestess who worships Elethay in her aspect as the Goddess of the Moon (the Silver Lady, the Lady of Changes). She is a full priestess and has full access to the magic of her craft, but she also has access to shaman and wizard magic. She always carries 75 points of Witch and Wizardry cards and 25 points of Shaman cards, and 25 points of Rune cards, primarily Runes of Purity, Runes of Power and Runes of Time, and usually equips herself with healing and protection Witch and Wizard spells and utility Shaman spells. She rarely uses attack spells except for several Spawn Blast spells, leaving that up to the other characters she is protecting. She always maintains her Senses of the Master skill to be aware of all magic in her vicinity.
Her athame is the focus of all her witchcraft magic and is never used for anything that would despoil its ritual significance. The only exception would be as a final last resort which would destroy it utterly.
Ashiya wears her trademark hooded dark grey cloak and robes and carries a simple wooden staff. That’s only to hide what else she carries, because Ashiya is all about deception and misdirection.
To anyone with the sight to see, she blazes with magic. She bears several protective charms and wards that she was acquired or won over the years. Underneath the cloak she carries a pouch full of magic healing and restoration potions, a scroll pouch full of magic scrolls she created with healing spells, a pouch holding her runestone and all three different types of spell storage devices filled with utility spells. She always has the full number of magic rings, primarily Teleport and Mystic Shield, on her fingers and several hidden away. She has four magic tattoos, usually one for protection against the Tox, two for protection against magic damage and one for protection against physical damage. Her carryall holds her healer’s kit and four charms of restoration and regeneration. Everything except for the potions she crafts for herself.
Her staff, too, hides a mystery: bound within it is the spirit of a unicorn who can manifest to use her unicorn healing ability to aid Ashiya.
Living Ancestor
Ashiya has one secret that she trusts to very few. Because of an incident in her past and a terrible ritual, she died and was brought back to life through the sacrifice of her friends. Now she lives a limited lifespan before she returns to the Goddess, and in the eyes of those who can tell, appears to be of the undead.
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