1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | Points Stat Cost 10 STR 0 18 DEX 24 12 CON 4 10 BODY 0 18 INT 8 18 EGO 16 20 PRE 10 24 COM 9 3 PD 2 1 3 ED 2 1 4 SPD 2.8 12 4 REC 4 - 24 END 40 - 21 STUN 40 - Total Char 155 Total Powers 245 Total 400 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 | Points Powers Skills: 3 Acting (13-) - 3 Bureaucratics (13-) 3 Bribery (13-) - 3 Conversation (13-) - 3 Disguise (11-) - 3 Forgery (11-) - 3 KS: Con games (13-) - 3 Persuasion (13-) - 3 Seduction (13-) - 3 Streetwise (13-) - Talents: 15 Luck 3D Powers: 90 ( 80) Mind Control, 16D - (360) (+3 1/2 Telepathic Command (+1/4) 0 Endurance (+1/2) Area Effect – Explosion (+1/2) NND=Life Support (Self-contained breathing), Nose Filters (+1) Personal Immunity (+1/4) Invisible Effect (Total) (+1) ) ( 90) (-3 Mental Power Based on CON (-1/2) Limited: No Range (-1/2) Limited: Only works on humans or near-humans (-1/2) Limited: Can only command emotional states (-1/2) Limited: Only 1 telepathic command at a time (-1/2) Limited: 1 phase delay necessary to change telepathic command (-1/4) Limited: Negated by strong wind, isolation of air currents (-1/4) ) 135 Powers Cost |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | Points Disadvantages 5 Distinctive Features: Appearance (Easily concealable) 10 Hunted: Cardshark (As Powerful, NCI, Limited area, 8-) 15 Hunted: FBI (As Powerful, NCI, 8-) 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima 20 Psychological: Code Against Killing 15 Psychological: Loves to manipulate others (Common, Strong) 15 Psychological: Emotional collapse if controlled by another (Uncommon, Total) 10 Reputation: Schemer and manipulator (Frequently) 15 Secret ID 15 Vulnerability: x1 1/2 Effect Mental Attacks (Group of Common) 140 Disadvantages Cost |
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