1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | Points Stat Cost 10 STR - 23 DEX 39 18 CON 16 10 BODY - 13 INT 3 13 EGO 6 20 PRE 10 18 COM 4 6 PD 4 3 6 ED 4 3 5 SPD 3.3 17 8 REC 6 - 36 END 40 - 24 STUN 40 - Total Char 101 Total Powers 124 Total 225 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | Points Powers End 22 (15) Disguise (16-) (Usable on others) - 10 Find Weakness (Spades, 11-) - 3 Forgery (11-) - 3 Gambling (11-) - 3 Seduction (13-) - 3 Sleight of Hand (14-) - 3 Stealth (14-) - 3 Streetwise (13-) - 2 KS: Con games (11-) - 9 (18) Armor (+6 PD / +6 ED) (OIF - Vest, 11-) - 2 Flash Defense (-5) (OAF - Visor) - 30 45 Multipower (OAF - Card deck) 4 u (45) RKA, 1D+1 Armor piercing, selective fire 13 c (Spades) 4 u (45) Flash, 4«D 13 c (Diamonds) 4 u (45) EB, 9D (Energy, Stun only, No KB) 13 c (Clubs) 4 u (45) Entangle, 3D, Def = 3 13 c Grows 1D Body, 1 Def every phase until x2 original body (Hearts) 16 (40) Energy Blast, 8D (Physical, KB) 4 c (IIF - Holdouts, 2 clips / 2 shots each) 15 Luck: 3D - 124 Total |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | Points Disadvantage 5 Berserk: Conned without realizing it (Uncommon, 11-, 14-, Enraged) 15 DNPC: Jules Petit, younger brother (Normal, Occasionally, 11-) 5 Distinctive Features: General shadiness and shiftiness (8-) 15 Hunted: Virgo (Circle of the Zodiac) (As powerful, NCI, 8-) 10 Hunted: Black Widow (As Powerful, 8-) 20 Psychological: Show-off (Very Common, Strong) 20 Psychological: Code Against Killing (Common, Total) 5 Psychological: Addicted to bad puns (Uncommon, Moderate) 10 Public ID 10 Reputation: Conman, never serious about anything except gambling (Frequently, 11-) 10 Unluck: 2D 125 Total |
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