With my search for any and all relics of power completed, I turned to acquiring something of equal value: knowledge. Since all things were changing, I sought the founder of the House, Dworkin. I hesitated at first, remembering the horror stories I was told in my childhood about Dworkin and how he lurked in the shadows of the Primal Pattern, coming out to steal away unruly children. It was only later that I learned just how much truth was actually in those tales of terror, so my hesitation was understandable, yet now my need was great.
I found the way to the Primal Pattern surprisingly easy: the changes had affected even that place. And Dworkin. Where before, when any two or more from the Pattern Realms merged, the result being death for all concerned, here the effect was quite the opposite. Each Dworkin from all of the Pattern Realms, or so it seems, had merged into one great serpent of immense proportions and seven pairs of eyes. This transformation evidently gave him a true measure of sanity, yet it was a sanity of such depths as to make his answers unfathomable.
Since I was unable to interpret his cryptic messages, I sought to find answers elsewhere. Although I am no true initiate to the mysteries of the Pattern, it was the last place that I knew such answers might be found. I made my way down to the room of the Pattern, only to find behind its door a maelstrom of lights and lines: fragments of the familiar emerald colored Pattern were whipping through the air, as were the fragments of the other Patterns. Knowing the strictures against walking the Pattern and not completing, seeing this only meant that even entering the room would be fatal.
Outside the door hung the transparent form of Brand: all of the Brands of the different Pattern Realms. He informed me that the various Patterns had fragmented and were gradually reforming into a Logrus. From what little you told me of the Courts of Chaos, I know that their focus of power is also called the Logrus. It seems now that we are to create a new Courts, which makes me wonder what happened to the old Courts.
And so, if this missive finds you, you who were to be at the old Courts of Chaos, and I have no doubt that it eventually will, then I ask you: stay away. There are greater mysteries at work here, greater powers active. You would not be Queen of this realm, only another head of a great House, and that fall from power would not be to your liking. Best you leave yourself to your own designs wherever you find yourself: the madness that I had inherited that infected my soul has been mostly purged, yet I fear that it goes even deeper within you.
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