
WordPress is not the first CMS / website platform I ever worked with. That was MediaWiki, which I was using in place of a series of static pages that accumulated and accreted over several years. However, when I wanted to create a real blog to replace the MediaWiki pages, I turned to WordPress and have been using it ever since. I then used it as the platform for a business website and now for my own personal website.

  1. I like that WordPress and therefore the plugins and templates are written in PHP. I’ve seen other scripting languages and I prefer the structured style of PHP to the others, primarily because it is so similar to the languages I was already familiar with.
  2. I like that WordPress has a very large and established base of programmers working to improve it, both internally and externally. I like that especially because so many of them write about what they did, which gives other programmers (like myself) tips and aids on how to write our own contributions,
  3. I like that the WordPress plugin management is contained within the backend management system, unlike MediaWiki where it is necessary to upload a plugin file directory into the plugins directory and then edit the configuration file to activate it.
  4. Actually, I like the overall WordPress backend management system much more than the MediaWiki system.

This is now my fourth WordPress website, what with my three and the one I created for a local organization. I see every reason to keep using it for additional website production.

The short URL of the present article is: http://www.terryobrien.me/GWHzS