Trip, Part VII: Convention
I won’t go into each day of the convention, that would just take up too much room, plus things are a little rushed and mushed together anyway. Suffice to say this was an excellent convention put on by an excellent fan base. (I really, really respect the fans in the Minneapolis / St. Paul area on how they are organized and how they’ve build a large and varied fan community.) Having the (limited, alas, this time) opportunity to see my friends up there is always a bonus. I did some panels, which is always fun, and wandered through the art show and dealer’s area but didn’t buy anything: my money that weekend was reserved for food.
However, it was a working vacation, as I did several panels (as I am finding that I enjoy doing them) including one which was a do-it-yourself production equipment (cheap LED lights, for one example) and one on a beginner’s guide to animé series.
I was also impressed with the quality of costumers there: in a lot of conventions, I have to say, a lot of the costumers there just don’t have the bodies or figures to match the characters. Not so at CONvergence: the big thing this year was “The Avengers” characters and several women were doing the Black Widow and really fit the tight leather outfit. I should also mention the Sailor Senshi (Sailor Moon) group and each of them could have been the character for a live action series (including Tuxedo Mask.) My only complaint (to myself) was that I didn’t want to bring my camera with me because it would be an inconvenience: I so need to get a smaller, portable camera for these situations.
As for Rex, he got to sit and shmooze in the bar with two of his heroes from Firesign Theatre. That alone made the trip for him.
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