I had a wonderful time. My hosts were uniformly excellent and the driving conditions were superb, which is a good thing: all in all, over an eight day period, I drove or was driven about 3000 miles. (I estimate I drove maybe 10% of that distance.)
But I wasn’t finished: there was still more to do.
Once the trip was finished, I still had the editing to complete. That involved about 250Gb of video data, about 18 hours all total from three different cameras. That took almost a month to do, what with digitizing, editing the multicamera video footage, working on the DVD menuing system, etc. Plus I was limited by the amount of disk space on the working drive, which meant I worked on a limited set of files at any one time, and the eventual loss of that hard drive, forcing me to use the backup drive as my primary editing drive. My only regret is that the videos produced will probably never be shown again, but the producer was very satisfied with the results.
And it was almost a month later before I walked out into my back yard and discovered part of the siding had blown off because of the derecho. In fact, one side was probably someplace in Ohio by that time, and the other was hanging on just a couple of nails. This was the part of the house that faced a large open field without any kind of wind break and had pieces blown off before: this time, the pieces were higher up, closer to the roof, while the pieces that were replaced before stayed on because I used roofing nails on them.
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