GenCon 1996

The GenCon Amber Campaign

Damarian, my GenCon campaign Amber character, was settling down for a period of wine, women, and song (not necessarily in that order) at an official party. I said that he’d scope out the ladies present: out of the three best looking ones, one was someone he had dated before, one was a little too young (although he did flirt with her a little just to get a smile and a laugh out of her) and the third was this tall, black-haired and black-eyed beauty. Damarian managed to cut off one of the guests of the party (a Lord of Chaos, who had fought a duel with one of the PCs earlier that day and lost) with a toast, pre-arranged a slow waltz from the lady’s Shadow (one of the Golden Circle: she’s the daughter of a High Duke or something), and then proceeded to enjoy himself immensely. Her name is Megan.

What Megan wanted was “an adventure”. What better place to find one than in the company of an unattached Prince of Amber? Damarian, a little cynical and world-weary at this time, has discovered having a lot of fun again. He took Megan up the staircase to Tir-na Nog’th, where they went to the throne room. One of the futures there was Damarian, looking much older, sitting on the throne, surrounded by older versions of the other PCs. Also there was a blonde woman we had seen once but couldn’t identify. When Damarian tried using the Pattern (he is in some respects a Pattern adept) to clarify the scene, the blonde woman used the Jewel of Judgement to manifest herself! She took one look at the younger Damarian and faded out abruptly.

After that the GM (Erick Wujcik) and I drew a PG rated curtain over the scene: I’m planning on writing up the later elements of the encounter that night and later that week, too. They rode through a thunderstorm and participated in a wyvern hunt in the Forest of Arden, visited “Bloody Harry’s” in the city, and generally enjoyed themselves. Megan not only is one of the beauties of her Shadow (and many more besides) but a adventurous, energetic, passionate woman who definitely knows what she wants; in other words, a fit Consort (if not more) for a Prince of Amber.

On the advice of cousin Bronwyn, whom Damarian called to describe the scene in Tir-na Nog’th, Damarian decided to Pattern to find who the mysterious blond was. Having advanced in knowledge of the Pattern, it was simple to call the pattern to mind and walk it then, then take Megan’s hands and push them both through to where the blond was. What we find will be determined at the next Ambercon.

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