Friday morning, after wandering the dealers room again, I made my first and only visit to the art show. It is more a combination art exhibit and dealers room, with panels in back and artists having huckster tables in the front. Art is sold through the art show staff, a cumbersome procedure that apparently ensures GenCon gets a cut of the proceeds. It was comparable to a large convention art show in overall quality, but not in volume: most of the most prominent artists only displayed a small number of pieces. A lot of former or present TSR artists were in attendance, of course, plus a good number from elsewhere in the gaming industry. There was no auction nor any bidding, either; all of the art was either Not For Sale or available for a fixed price. I wasn’t much impressed with what I could afford, and the best pieces were NFS. Needless to say I didn’t buy any art there.
I did buy some artwork, though: in the dealer’s room I bought a gorgeous S&N print from Ruth Thompson called “The Task of Heaven” of an female angel (and not your standard angel, either; with her long black hair and dark skin she more resembles an American Indian than anything else) with golden feathered wings (a friend mine who is also an art collector says Ruth does the best feathers of any artist she’s seen) and a sword standing before these ornate Grecian gates, and a print by an artist named Néné of an enchanting dancing gypsy girl. Later I would buy a couple more pieces; I don’t have room to display them all, but they’re all pretty.
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