Saturday Night, Sunday and Monday
Saturday night I skipped the Justice, Incorporated tournament preliminary round to attend the GEnie dinner at Maders restaurant. JI is a Champions-based game set in the Thirties, done B‑movie style. It has been a load of fun to play in over the years, and I will try to schedule it again. The final round on Sunday morning has always been a lot of fun, even to watch.
Maders is a fancy German restaurant three blocks from MECCA; it houses a large collection of late medieval armor and weapons, as well as serving some of the best German food in the city. A great time was had by all, as we stayed and talked until after 10:00pm.
Sunday morning was occupied with a brief trip through the dealer’s room, followed by the finals of the Champions tournament (described above.) By Sunday night you would think I’d be gamed out after four days of this, but nevertheless I got into an Amber game run by Erick Wujcik in his hotel room. (See “A Crazed Trump” for the actual writeup.) Besides the large number of usual suspects (Amber players of long standing) attending, Lisa and Mike Pondsmith were also in the same; Lisa is the editor for the game for the publisher, R. Talsorian Games, and Mike (I believe) is one of the owners of the company.
Monday morning (or actually afternoon, as all three of us got back to our room quite late that night) we checked out and drove home, making plans for next year’s convention already.
It is hard to say what the big games were this year; Shadowrun and TORG were very visible, and the second edition of the Fantasy Hero rules for Champions was released at the convention. But there didn’t seem to be the one big, omni-present game this year as there had been in years past.
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