Con Schedule: This Land Is Our Land (05–29-2015)

Many, many years ago (more like a couple of decades ago), a number of interested individuals in the local area, all of whom were interested in the Society for Creative Anachronism, got together to form the Shire of Shadowed Stars. The Shire has survived a number of rough periods and experienced a number of good times over the many years but the members persisted and that persistence is about to be rewarded.

Although I was one of the individuals at that first meeting and party, my involvement with the Shire and the SCA has fluctuated over the years. Therefore, I was not involved when several years ago, some members began a campaign to raise the Shire to Baronial status. It was a long and arduous process, but the results were worth it.

On May 29th, the Shire is going to become a Barony.

This will take place at “This Land is Our Land” which was the name given to our Spring (and the for longest time, our only) annual event. The event will be held in the Whitley County Fairgrounds, which I toured last week, and which is a small town in scope. It is much better than the local Allen County Fairgrounds, and much cheaper, too.

My own contribution will be to video the ceremonies and produce a record of the event. This includes not only the investiture ceremony in the morning but also the first baronial court in the evening: setup will be difficult but it will be managed. It will be the first SCA event I ever did video work for and I am looking forward to it.

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