Welcome to my corner of the universe.
As you can see, its a pretty crowded corner. Up beside the Home page link is the Writing section, containing a broad selection of the fiction and nonfiction I wrote over years (and continue to write.) Not all of it, as some was lost to time and the vagaries of 5 ¼” floppy drives and some were just lost altogether.
Right beside it is the Programming section, which contains my public programming work, including the WordPress plugins I created and my tutorials on developing certain aspects of them.
Next is the Multimedia section. At the top is the Audio section, which is all about my work doing audio recording and editing. Following that is the Photography gallery, primarily the digital photography, until I sort through almost five decades of photographic negatives and color slides to have them scanned and digitized. Below that is the Videography gallery, including videos I edited. Below them are the Graphics Design galleries of the DVD menuing images and image manipulations I created for DVDs and CDs and book covers.
If you want to know more about me, check out the About pages. If you want to find something within the website, the Search page is available for your use. If you want to contact me, use the Contact page.
Next is a page listing all of my Books: all of my self-published writing, available through as many of the standard (and more than a few obscure) online publishers and distributors. Beside that is a listing of all Downloads that are available through my website, which includes special promotional offers I make available occasionally.
Finally, last but certainly not least is my own personal Blog. I write and think about writing about a multitude of topics and now I have a place and a purpose for writing down those thoughts and publishing them.
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